Friday, October 16, 2015



Cendryl             : After a few years of hard work, patience, and
 endurance to comply with the requirements of the
 academe to finish a course, all students, as
well as their parents, look forward to the
special event in their lives, the graduation
day. Thus, they deserve a night to remember
to pay off their sacrifices. So, good evening
everyone! Welcome to this wonderful moment
in the lives of the graduates.

Eric                  : To start with, please stand for the invocation
  to be led by Mr. Bernardo Antogop. Please
  remain standing for the National Anthem.

Cendryl             : Please put your hands together for Chieza
  and company for the opening number.

Eric                   : To open the program, let’s hear a few words
  from our Human Resource Officer, Mrs.
  Consolacion Repollo, for her welcome

Cendryl             : I know that you are already starving
  because of the aroma of the food on the
  table. So, before we move on to the
               next part of the program, let’s dine first. To
  bless the food, may I request Mr. Jesselito
  Godofredo to lead us into prayer.

D                 I                 N                N                E                 R

Eric                   : So our stomachs are already nourished by
  the food, now it’s time to nourish our minds
  Let’s welcome our very talented teacher,
  Engr. Cerina Ledesma for an intermission

Cendryl             : To inspire us tonight, please give a round of
 applause to the General Manager of Air Touch
 Distribution Inc., Mr. Milliard Baroro.

Eric                   : From that inspirational talk, let’s hear from
  the president of the graduating class who
 will share to us his experiences at the
 company where he rendered his OJT. In
            response, the General Manager of JB Shop n
Shop, Mr. Johnny Chan, will also give his few

Cendryl             : To make the beat a little bit faster, let’s
  witness the intermission number of Engr.
 Marnolito Calago.

Eric                  : There you have it! That was truly
 entertaining. At this point, let’s be
entertained by the group presentation by
                        the department.   


Cendryl             : Every hard work pays off. There are those
  students who show exemplary performance.
 To give the awards, may I request Mrs.
 Consolacion B. Repollo to be assisted by Mr.
                          Jesselito Godofredo.

Eric                  : To formally close tonight’s affair, let’s hear
 from Jesus Roberto Bigornia.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Turn-Over Ceremony

Turn-Over Ceremony of one Revo unit
and Specialized Tools for Body and Paint Course
(modified from Ms. Karen Maguit’s Script)

MC Script

I.                    Call to order

I would like to request everyone to please take a seat. The program will start in a few minutes. Thank you.
                       Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce today’s distinguished guests.
                      Atty. Augusto W. Go, Chairman of the Board of Directors, CTS-C
                     Dr. David Go, President, TMPC/ TMPF
                     Ms. Candice Gotianuy, President, CTS-C
                    Mr. Jose V. Cuenco, President, Toyota Cebu City, Inc.
                   Atty. Nendell Hanz L. Abella, VP, CTS-C
                   Ms. Blesilda Rodriguez, Treasurer, TMPC/ TMPF
                   Ms. Cristina Arevalo, FVP/CAG TMPC
                  Mr. Ronald Gaspar, Coordinating Manager, TMPF, Inc.

                I would also like to welcome the members of the press, faculty, staff, administration, friends and our honored guests.

II.                  Invocation/ National Anthem

Please stand for the invocation and remain standing for the national anthem.

Please be seated.

III.                Welcome Address

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to this morning’s event! Today we shall witness the turn-over of one Toyota Revo and specialized tools for body and paint course to College of Technological Sciences.

And to formally open this morning’s activity, please help me welcome the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CTS-C, Atty. Augusto W. Go. 

Thank you very much, Atty. Go.

IV.                Brief Background of the Project

And now, to give us a brief background of the project, please welcome the Coordinating Manager and Education Sector Head, Toyota Motors Philippines Foundation, Mr. Ronald Gaspar.
                        Thank you very much, Mr. Gaspar.
V.                  Statement of Support from TCB
Please help me welcome the president of Toyota Cebu City, Inc. Mr. Jose V. Cuenco for his statement of support.
               Thank you, sir.
VI.                Statement of Support from TMPF

At this point, let’s give a round of applause to the president of Toyota Motor Philippines Foundation, Dr. David T. Go.

VII.              Deed of Donation Signing Ceremony (photo-op)

At this juncture, may I request Atty. Augusto W. Go, BOD Chairman, CTS-C, Dr. David Go, President, TMPC/TMPF, Ms. Candice Gotianuy, President, CTS-C, and Mr. Jose V. Cuenco, President, Toyota Cebu City Inc. for the signing of the Deed of Donation. The witnesses: Atty. Nendell Hanz L. Abella, VP, CTS-C, Ms. Blesilda Rodriguez, Treasurer, TMPC/TMPF, Ms. Cristina Arevalo, FVP/CAG, TMPC, and Mr. Ronald Gaspar, Coordinating Manager, TMPF, Inc.

(photo op)

Thank you very much, Atty Go, Dr. Go, Ms. Gotianuy, Mr. Cuenco, Atty. Abella, Ms. Rodriguez, Ms. Arevalo and Mr. Gaspar.

VIII.            Mr. Ronald Gaspar will now turn over the specialized tools for the body and paint course to Dr. David Go and in turn, Dr. Go will hand over the tools to Atty. Augusto W. Go.

IX.                Acceptance Speech ( Ms. Candice Gotianuy)

Congratulations CTS!
                       This event shall not end without hearing some words from her. Let us welcome, the president of CTS, Ms. Candice Gotianuy for her acceptance speech.
                       (Ms. Gotianuy delivers her speech)
                       Thank you very much Ms. Gotianuy.
X.                  Lunch

And that concludes our activity.  May I now request our guests to gather for the photo opportunity?  After which, may we invite everyone to please partake of the food that shall be served shortly. Thank you very much and may you all have a nice day!
                      (photo op)


FEBRUARY 11, 2015
2:00-6:00 PM   CTS AVR

Sherwin               : Guests….students…

Mitchelle              : Friends….Faculty…

Merbeth               : Administrators…

Kit                       : Ladies and Gentlemen…

All                        : Good afternoon!!!

Mitchelle               : We are here to witness one of the highlights of the College/Toyota days celebration

Sherwin                : which is the 4 in 1 program that includes declamation, speech choir, singing and dance contest.

Kit                        : To start with, may we request everyone to stand for the

Merbeth                : Please remain standing for the national anthem and CTS hymn

Mitchelle               : Please be seated. To formally open the program, let’s all welcome
                              our ITS Director, Dr. Eugeno Ynclino IV to give us his words of
                              encouragement. (To formally open the program, let's all welcome,
                              our SAO, Mr. Junalin Tamarra, to give us his words of
Sherwin                : Thank you Dr. Ynclino (Sir Tamarra) for such an inspiring message.

Mitchelle               : Now it's time to meet our board of judges.
                              Our first judge is a graduate of Computer Secretarial Course at
                               St. Mary’s College. Presently, she is the purchasing officer at CTS.
                              She’s no other than Ms. Mary Jean Morta. (flash on screen)

Sherwin                 : Our second judge is a graduate of BSECE in 1995. He is also currently enrolled at UC Graduate School, taking up Master of Science Teaching major in Math. His loyalty to CTS cannot
                               be questioned because he has been teaching in the college for
                               22 years. Our second judge, Engr. Virgelio Fetiluna.

Merbeth                : To complete our panel of judges, we have with us another female personality who graduated BSA-Accountancy at UC Main campus
                                 in 2000. She is presently the Accounting Head of College of Technological Sciences. Ladies and gentlemen, the chairman of
                              the board of judges, Ms. Jennife Pin           

Kit                        :Our panel of judges are indeed well chosen. I repeat, we have with us Ms. Mary Jean Morta, Engr.Virgelio Fetiluna and the chairman of the board of judges, Ms. Jennife Pino.      

Merbeth             :Now, here's the criteria and mechanics for judging the declamation contest. (flash on screen)
Sherwin                : At this point, let’s give a big round of applause for our
                              declamation contestants.

Mitchelle              : Indeed, CTS means College of Talented Students. They are not only good in the classroom but       also on stage. Now, here's the mechanics and criteria for speech choir contest. (flash on screen)

Merbeth                : To bring you to the next level of excitement, put your hands together to our speech choir contestants.

Sherwin                  : Thank you guys for your winning performances. Before we will give you the next part of the competition, we will have first the
mechanics and criteria of singing contest. (flash on screen)

Kit                          : Ladies and gentlemen, our first set of singing contestants.

Mitchelle                 : To continue, let’s have our dance contest mechanics.

Merbeth                 : At this point, let's watch the electrifying moves of our dance contestants.

Kit                          : Let’s give a thunderous applause to the final set of speech choir contestants.

Sherwin                  : At this juncture, let’s welcome on stage the second set of our singing contestants.

Kit                          : To complete today's contests, let's give our loudest applause to the final set of dance contestants.

Mitchelle                 : There you have it ladies and gentlemen! Our CTS got talent contestants! Winners will be announced on February 13, 2015,
during the awarding ceremony. Champions will have a repeat                       performance during the awarding.

Sherwin                  : At this point, let’s be inspired by our very own female hosts, Mitchelle Yap and Merbeth Catubig for their surprise number.
Let’s give them a round of applause.

Merbeth                 : We would like to thank the working committees for making this event possible.(flash onscreen)

Kit                          : Thank you also to our panel of judges, to our technical support group, and to all who have contributed to the success of this
event as well as to all who are present here today.

Sherwin                 : To formally close, let’s welcome on stage our accounting head, Ms. Jennife Pino, for the closing remarks.

All                        : Thank you everyone and good afternoon!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Hooding Ceremony



MOLINA       :   Welcome to the College of Technological Sciences Hooding Ceremony.

REYES        :  To read the duties and responsibilities of the candidates for hooding, please welcome the TechVoc Head, MS. ELFINA Z. CANDELARIO.


As you begin your journey in the real world of your chosen courses away from the College of Technological Sciences, You pledge the following duties and responsibilities:

Promise to earn the trust and respect of your seniors and return them in kind, for only through mutual trust and respect, we can learn the skills required for professionals.

Accept responsibility for those duties that you feel prepared for. Hold back when you are not prepared and seek the experience that you need to prepare yourself.

Strive to preserve the dignity, humanity, and privacy of all your clients, and through your openness and kindness seek to earn their trust in turn.

Treat your clients and fellow professionals as your fellow beings. Never discriminate against them for their differences, and ask that they do the same for you.

Value the knowledge, and the wisdom of those who have preceded you. Add to this legacy what you are able, and pass it on to those who come after you.

MOLINA        : May I request, ENGR. VIRGELIO FETILUNA, to officiate the hooding proper.


OFFICIATOR  :  Do you accept these duties and responsibilities?


OFFICIATOR  :  Please kneel.

REYES       : That concludes this morning’s hooding ceremony.
                      (Graduation proper will shortly follow.)


March 19, 2015


MOLINA      :  Parents, guests, administrators, faculty, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Let's now welcome the entry of the candidates for graduation and for recognition.

     REYES       : Let’s offer this hour for the baccalaureate mass.




 REYES      :  Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Today marks the
                     Commencement Rites of the College of Technological Sciences-
                     Cebu year 2014-2015. Let us all stand for the

 REYES       :  Entry of Colors

MOLINA       : The Faculty

REYES         : TechVoc Director

MOLINA      : The Registrar

REYES        : Exec. Assistant to the Vice President

MOLINA      : Vice President

REYES          : School Mace

MOLINA      : The President (Executive Vice-Chancellor of University of Cebu)


REYES      :  Remain standing for the singing of the National Anthem and CTS Hymn.          
MOLINA   : Please be seated.


MOLINA       : Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Eugene Ynclino IV, CTS Tech Voc Director, will now open the graduation ceremony.


          (Ms. Candice G. Gotianuy..Our President)
        Atty. Nendell Hanz Abella…our Vice President
        Honored Guests, Ladies, and Gentlemen
        On this 19th day of March, in the year of our Lord 2015, in the presence
         Of our Candidates, Faculty, Alumni, Parents of the Graduates, and their  
         Friends, the second semester of the school year 2014-2015 the
         Commencement Rites of the College of Technological Sciences-Cebu is
         officially declared in session.

        To all here present, we extend our most cordial welcome.


REYES       :   Our Vice President, ATTY. NENDELL HANZ ABELLA, will now present the candidates for graduation and certificates for recognition to our President, MS. CANDICE G. GOTIANUY.

(OPTION, in the absence of the president, Ms. Candice G. Gotianuy)

(REYES          : Our vice president, ATTY. NENDELL HANZ L. ABELLA, will now present the candidates for graduation and certificates for recognition to the University of Cebu’s Executive Vice Chancellor, Atty. Baldomero Estenzo, on behalf of our president, Ms. Candice G. Gotianuy.)


                     MS. CANDICE G. GOTIANUY, our President and Chancellor for the University of Cebu

                     I have the honor to present to you the candidates for graduation…and for recognition

                     (Candidates rise and take their seats…)
                     Ms. Candice G. Gotianuy acknowledges with a slight nod of her head)

                     Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
                     Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology
                     Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
                     Majors in:

                     Electrical Technology
                     Electronics technology
                     Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

                      Associate in Computer Technology
                       (Candidates will rise and take their seats..)

                     Likewise, I have the honor to present the candidates for

                      Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology 2nd year students
                      Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology 2nd year students
                       Majors  in

                      Electrical Technology
                      Electronics Technology
                      Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

                      Short term course
                      Computer Hardware Servicing NC II
                      Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II

                      These candidates have satisfactorily fulfilled the requirements of
                      Commission on Higher Education with TESDA, and the College of                Technological Sciences- Cebu as worthy recipients of their
                        respective diplomas and certificates, we, therefore, respectfully
                        request that they will be accepted and admitted to the diplomas
                        and certificates they have merited.

MOLINA    : Let's welcome the president, Ms. Candice Gutianuy for her acceptance

MOLINA    : Let's welcome, Atty. Baldomero Estenzo, for the acceptance and
                   and conferring of titles.


                             By virtue of the authority vested in me by the College of
                        Technological Sciences-Cebu and by the Commission on Higher
Education and TESDA of the Republic of Philippines, I hereby accept the candidates presented for:

   Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
                        Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology
                        Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Major in:

                       Automotive technology
                       Electrical Technology
                       Electronics technology
                       Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
                       Associate in Computer Technology
                      Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology 2nd year students
                      Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology 2nd year students
                       Major  in

                      Electrical Technology
                      Electronics Technology
                      Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

                      Short term course
                      Computer Hardware Servicing NC II
                      ASNC II
                      Electrical and Installation and Maintenance

and confer upon academic degrees and certificates with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereunto.

                        (All candidates will take their seats)


MOLINA       : Please be seated. At this point, let's welcome Dr. Eugene Ynclino IV, to introduce the guest speaker.


REYES       :  In behalf of the college, we would like to award this plaque of
                          appreciation to ENGR. MARK ANTHONY YLANAN (read the certificate) ........Please help me welcome, Ms. Candice Gotianuy, and Atty. Nendell Hanz Abella to hand the plaque of appreciation.

In the absence of the president

REYES        : On behalf of the college, we would like to award this plaque of
                          appreciation to ENGR. MARK ANTHONY YLANAN (read the certificate) ........May I request Atty. Baldomero Estenzo and DR. EUGENE YNCLINO IV  to hand the plaque of appreciation.


MOLINA         : Now let’s have the recognition of CTS Industry Partners and awarding of students.  May we request the President, MS. CANDICE G. GOTIANUY, to present the awards and to be assisted by Atty. Nendell Hanz Abella and Dr. Eugene Ynclino IV.


(MOLINA         : Now let us have the recognition of CTS Industry Partners and
and awarding of students.  May we request, Atty.  
Baldomero Estenzo to be assisted by Dr. Eugene Ynclino IV, to
present the awards.)

MOLINA          :Industry Partners (CTS INDUSTRY PARTNERS)

                          Let's welcome:

1.   JO BUILDERS- Engr. Nogen Juntilla

2.    HYUNDAI CEBU, INC.--- Ms. Honey Ybañez, Recruitment Officer

3.   BAGA- Breathe Always Good Air- Ms. Geralgin Rentuza, HRD Manager


5.   KIA MOTORS CEBU/GATEWAY MOTORS- Ms. Sharon Seares, HRD Manager

6.   PORTA COELI INDUSTRIAL CORP. –Ms. Alma Grace Ancla, HRD Manager

7.   OPAS COR (ORIENTAL PORT AND ALLIED SERVICES) --- Mr. Jonald Lapena, HR Section Head

      Thank you so much for sharing your valuable time with us.

MOLINA          : At this point, let's proceed to the awarding of students


  1. Abangan, Nina Carmelittes

With Distinction

  1. Ellazar Cristie          - Associate in Computer Technology
  2. Bilocura, Anecito Jr. -  Bachelor of Automotive Technology 2nd year  Student
  3. Montalbo, Carl Kevin – BSIT- Electrical 2nd year student
  4. Ocdenaria, Gilbert    -  BSIT- Electrical 2nd year student
  5. Ofredo, Anjodan       - Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology 2nd year student
  6. Quiño, Leonel          - BSIT- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 2nd year student
  7. Rasonable, Lester     - BSIT- Electrical 2nd year student
  8. Sarda, Cesar Ian       - Associate in Computer Technology
  9. Ubas, Alvin              - Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology 2nd year student

MOLINA            : With High Distinction

  1. Cenco, Renaldo       - BSIT- Electrical  2nd year student

MOLINA              : Other Academic Awardees

 CUM LAUDE      

  1. Abangan, Niña Carmelittes- Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology – Cum Laude
  2. Abella, Jonel – Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology- Cum Laude
  3. Allones, Joraldy   - Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology- Cum Laude
  4. Fuertes, Charls    - Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology- Cum Laude
  5. Ramoso, Steve   - Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology- Cum Laude


MOLINA            :  Ms. Nina Carmelittes, will give her valedictory

                            (Speech of Ms. Abangan. …)


REYES          : MS CANDICE G. GOTIANUY, will now award the graduates
                          with Bachelor, Associate, and Recognition Titles, Diploma, and Certificates, to be assisted by ATTY. NENDELL HANZ ABELLA AND DR. EUGENE YNCLINO.


(REYES          : Atty. Baldomero  Estenzo , will now award the graduates
                          with Bachelor, Associate, and Recognition titles, Diploma and Certificates, to be assisted by ATTY. NENDELL HANZ ABELLA  AND DR. Eugene Ynclino IV and MS. Anna Lou Navaja)

                        At the pre-arranged time, the candidates move into processional
                      Order of the stage. As their names are called, ascend, move to
                      The center of the center stage to receive the Diploma/Certificate

MOLINA         : Please help me welcome MR. JUNALIN TAMARRA, President of CTS-C
Alumni  Association, to induct the new members of the association and the singing of graduation song follows.

                     (Mr. Tamarra will read the Oath of membership)


                             (Graduates will sing "TODAY MY LIFE BEGINS")

XV.                   RECESSIONAL


REYES          : The exit of Colors

MOLINA       : The Faculty

REYES           : TechVoc Director

MOLINA       : The Registrar

REYES           : Executive Assistant to the Vice President

MOLINA       : Vice President

REYES          : The School Mace

MOLINA        : The president  (Executive Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cebu

MOLINA            : With the Recessional, March 2015 Commencement Rites of the College of Technological Sciences-Cebu are hereby officially concluded.

I'm Clyde Reyes and this is Cendryl Molina who is here to express our warmest congratulations to all.

Thank you very much and God bless us all.

(Graduates are now requested to come forward for the group pictorial per course.

BSIT....BSAT.....BSINTech……………..ACT.....2 year BSAT

2nd year BSIT : Electrical, Electronics, RAC

CHS NC II, Electrical Installation and Maintenance

Closing Remarks (GC)

Mrs. Nilda Espiritusanto, TESDA Provincial Director Region IX, Mrs. Christy Gonzales, TESDA TSTP Nurturer, Mrs. Eva Valles Aranal, AMC President, Faculty and Staff, Guests, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen.

On behalf of our group, Ave Maria College Lifeline, please allow me to express my heartfelt appreciation for being chosen as recipients of the program, the so called TESDA Especialista. The program is impressive which aims to build basic skills in caregiving to be able to deliver health care services to the community and at the same time to create a more sustainable future for us and our families. It is one of the many programs created by TESDA designed to help Filipinos improve their livelihoods to eradicate poverty and relieve hardships.

With that, I am very thankful for all the people who unselfishly offer their support to the group to make our dream come true. Special thanks to Mrs. Christy Gonzales who generously extend her help. I am also grateful for our school president for her valuable contribution for this endeavor.

I would also like to thank all of you here for making this program a success through your significant contribution and active participation as demonstrated throughout the program.

Finally, for my fellow caregivers, I am proud and grateful for the positive response and interest you expressed on this project. But our work does not end here. We all need to continue working together as we face the challenges in life. By having one another, WE CAN DO IT!

Thank you.

Closing Remarks (BDCC)

Parents, honored guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.

I really appreciate the opportunity that has been given to me now to express a few words before the closure of this ceremony.

First, let me offer my sincerest congratulations to all the parents. I know that like me, you are so proud watching your kids climb up on stage and received their certificates. As their parents, what we can do is to give our undying support to them to make their dreams come true.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the teachers who are patiently teaching these kids and making their first exposure to education a memorable, enjoyable, and fruitful one. With that, I believe our teachers deserve a round of applause.

May I also extend my admiration to the organizers of this ceremony and to all those, who, in one way or the other contributed to the success of this event?

Thank you everyone for taking part in this significant event.

Work Ethics and Morality Seminar Emcee Script

October 9, 2015

Emcee: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to extend a very warm
  welcome to all of you for taking part in this significant event.

Emcee: To formally start, please all rise for the ecumenical prayer and please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and CTS hymn.

Emcee: Please be seated.

Emcee: At this point, please help me welcome Mr. Junalin Tamarra for the welcome address.

Emcee: To introduce today’s resource speaker, let’s welcome, Ms. Nova Katipunan.

Emcee: Seminar Proper   Seminar Proper      Seminar Proper

Emcee: Thank you very much ma’am for a very interesting talk.  

Emcee: On behalf of the college, we would like to award this certificate of    
             appreciation to.......................

Emcee: To give the closing remarks,  please help me welcome Dr. Eugene Ynclino IV, Technical Director.

Emcee: Thank you so much for your participation.