Mrs. Nilda Espiritusanto, TESDA
Provincial Director Region IX, Mrs. Christy Gonzales, TESDA TSTP
Nurturer, Mrs. Eva Valles Aranal, AMC President, Faculty and Staff,
Guests, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen.
behalf of our group, Ave Maria College Lifeline, please allow me to
express my heartfelt appreciation for being chosen as recipients of the
program, the so called TESDA Especialista. The program is impressive
which aims to build basic skills in caregiving to be able to deliver
health care services to the community and at the same time to create a
more sustainable future for us and our families. It is one of the many
programs created by TESDA designed to help Filipinos improve their
livelihoods to eradicate poverty and relieve hardships.
that, I am very thankful for all the people who unselfishly offer their
support to the group to make our dream come true. Special thanks to
Mrs. Christy Gonzales who generously extend her help. I am also
grateful for our school president for her valuable contribution for this
would also like to thank all of you here for making this program a
success through your significant contribution and active participation
as demonstrated throughout the program.
for my fellow caregivers, I am proud and grateful for the positive
response and interest you expressed on this project. But our work does
not end here. We all need to continue working together as we face the
challenges in life. By having one another, WE CAN DO IT!
Thank you.