Tuesday, October 13, 2015


FEBRUARY 11, 2015
2:00-6:00 PM   CTS AVR

Sherwin               : Guests….students…

Mitchelle              : Friends….Faculty…

Merbeth               : Administrators…

Kit                       : Ladies and Gentlemen…

All                        : Good afternoon!!!

Mitchelle               : We are here to witness one of the highlights of the College/Toyota days celebration

Sherwin                : which is the 4 in 1 program that includes declamation, speech choir, singing and dance contest.

Kit                        : To start with, may we request everyone to stand for the

Merbeth                : Please remain standing for the national anthem and CTS hymn

Mitchelle               : Please be seated. To formally open the program, let’s all welcome
                              our ITS Director, Dr. Eugeno Ynclino IV to give us his words of
                              encouragement. (To formally open the program, let's all welcome,
                              our SAO, Mr. Junalin Tamarra, to give us his words of
Sherwin                : Thank you Dr. Ynclino (Sir Tamarra) for such an inspiring message.

Mitchelle               : Now it's time to meet our board of judges.
                              Our first judge is a graduate of Computer Secretarial Course at
                               St. Mary’s College. Presently, she is the purchasing officer at CTS.
                              She’s no other than Ms. Mary Jean Morta. (flash on screen)

Sherwin                 : Our second judge is a graduate of BSECE in 1995. He is also currently enrolled at UC Graduate School, taking up Master of Science Teaching major in Math. His loyalty to CTS cannot
                               be questioned because he has been teaching in the college for
                               22 years. Our second judge, Engr. Virgelio Fetiluna.

Merbeth                : To complete our panel of judges, we have with us another female personality who graduated BSA-Accountancy at UC Main campus
                                 in 2000. She is presently the Accounting Head of College of Technological Sciences. Ladies and gentlemen, the chairman of
                              the board of judges, Ms. Jennife Pin           

Kit                        :Our panel of judges are indeed well chosen. I repeat, we have with us Ms. Mary Jean Morta, Engr.Virgelio Fetiluna and the chairman of the board of judges, Ms. Jennife Pino.      

Merbeth             :Now, here's the criteria and mechanics for judging the declamation contest. (flash on screen)
Sherwin                : At this point, let’s give a big round of applause for our
                              declamation contestants.

Mitchelle              : Indeed, CTS means College of Talented Students. They are not only good in the classroom but       also on stage. Now, here's the mechanics and criteria for speech choir contest. (flash on screen)

Merbeth                : To bring you to the next level of excitement, put your hands together to our speech choir contestants.

Sherwin                  : Thank you guys for your winning performances. Before we will give you the next part of the competition, we will have first the
mechanics and criteria of singing contest. (flash on screen)

Kit                          : Ladies and gentlemen, our first set of singing contestants.

Mitchelle                 : To continue, let’s have our dance contest mechanics.

Merbeth                 : At this point, let's watch the electrifying moves of our dance contestants.

Kit                          : Let’s give a thunderous applause to the final set of speech choir contestants.

Sherwin                  : At this juncture, let’s welcome on stage the second set of our singing contestants.

Kit                          : To complete today's contests, let's give our loudest applause to the final set of dance contestants.

Mitchelle                 : There you have it ladies and gentlemen! Our CTS got talent contestants! Winners will be announced on February 13, 2015,
during the awarding ceremony. Champions will have a repeat                       performance during the awarding.

Sherwin                  : At this point, let’s be inspired by our very own female hosts, Mitchelle Yap and Merbeth Catubig for their surprise number.
Let’s give them a round of applause.

Merbeth                 : We would like to thank the working committees for making this event possible.(flash onscreen)

Kit                          : Thank you also to our panel of judges, to our technical support group, and to all who have contributed to the success of this
event as well as to all who are present here today.

Sherwin                 : To formally close, let’s welcome on stage our accounting head, Ms. Jennife Pino, for the closing remarks.

All                        : Thank you everyone and good afternoon!