Friday, October 9, 2015

Closing Remarks (BDCC)

Parents, honored guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.

I really appreciate the opportunity that has been given to me now to express a few words before the closure of this ceremony.

First, let me offer my sincerest congratulations to all the parents. I know that like me, you are so proud watching your kids climb up on stage and received their certificates. As their parents, what we can do is to give our undying support to them to make their dreams come true.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the teachers who are patiently teaching these kids and making their first exposure to education a memorable, enjoyable, and fruitful one. With that, I believe our teachers deserve a round of applause.

May I also extend my admiration to the organizers of this ceremony and to all those, who, in one way or the other contributed to the success of this event?

Thank you everyone for taking part in this significant event.