Thursday, August 11, 2022

Welcome Address (Habitat for Humanity)

                                                      Welcome Address

(Cendryl F. Molina)

Orientation Program

CTS-C & Habitat for Humanity

I would like to welcome you all to this afternoon’s orientation.  May I start by recognizing the presence of our Vice President, Ms. Consolacion B. Repollo, and TechVoc Director Mr. Danilo Colipano; also our Scholarship Coordinator Mr. Junalin Tamarra, College Coordinator, and EIM Trainer, Engr. Peter John Rosario, our HR for General Affairs and Training Development, Ms. Ponciana Caballero.  I would also like to welcome our honored guest from our partner institution, Habitat for Humanity. With us, this afternoon is their Project Officer for Cebu Hub, Mr. Fidelito Maraviles. A warm welcome also goes to the scholars who invest time and effort in their future.

The purpose of this gathering is to specifically kick off and get formalized the partnership between CTS-C and Habitat for Humanity. Being selected as the TVI to train the EIM scholars of Habitat for Humanity, a very prestigious organization, is such an honor.

For decades, Habitat for Humanity has been a blessing to thousands of people around the world by helping them acquire affordable decent houses and support their families with better jobs, education, and many more. Most importantly, they have successfully brought people together for a noble cause.

In the same manner, the orientation today is a step forward as CTS-C and Habitat for Humanity started to build a future together and become great partners in our community. Hence, appreciation goes to everyone for being here today. Once again, welcome to this orientation and to CTS-C!