Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Welcome Address-OJT Orientation

Welcome to this school year! The College Department wants to extend its warmest welcome to all of you who remain loyal to the school and to the committing of your dreams to march on stage and hold your diploma. Despite the challenges that everyone goes through, education is still top of your priority. With that, I salute you all, especially that on the first meeting of the semester, you are here with us, ready to listen to the items that the ILDO Department, represented by your OJT coordinator, Mr. Anjodan Ofredo, has prepared.

Our main objective for this afternoon’s virtual orientation is to help you succeed as an OJT by providing you with the things that will make you ready for deployment. What is really important is your readiness to face the challenges in the actual workplace. This involves your holistic makeup as a Texian: your knowledge of your field or specialization, your skills which are demonstrated by your competencies, and your attitude which may include but is not limited to courtesy, respectfulness, and punctuality. Be receptive to the advice and guidance of your mentors. 

You all have a long journey ahead of you filled with many obstacles, but keep in mind that as you advance through this OJT Deployment and work hard, you will end up with a great resume that will help you get very far in life. Keep in mind, that experience is the best teacher.

That being said, I want to give you all the warmest welcome to this afternoon's orientation in the midst of the cold weather.