Saturday, March 23, 2019

Valedictory Speech Alvin Velasquez

Good morning, fellow graduates. It is my honor to give a speech to this graduating class of 2019. At the end of this ceremony, we will be leaving our footsteps in our alma mater and taking another step towards our dreams in life.
Despite we have encountered lots of challenges during our days in college; we are here today, wearing togas and caps. It is remarkable to remember how we have overcome those challenges because those make us strong and defined us as who we are today. Challenges make us discover more about ourselves and our capability to respond to hardships in life. And I know you would agree with me, that each of us sees it differently. Personally, I see every challenge, as difficult. Probably, some of you would share my thoughts, others see the other way around.
Whatever challenges and problems we faced, we always have these questions in mind. "How can I overcome it?" “What will I do to solve it? These will always be the questions that come out first.
"How can I overcome it?" Every time we ask this question, doubts will follow. Some people would say, I cannot do this or that because of these and those. What if I will fail? What if I will be scolded? Sometimes, these doubts prevent us from proceeding to the next step. It locks us in, making an imaginary prison. However, negative thoughts or doubts can be turned into positive ones. You just have to find the cause of what hinders you to do this or that. Next is to find ways in overcoming these challenges or problems.
Every challenge and problem has its own ways to be overcome. We should seek for these ways and we shall find them. We are the ones who should seek solutions. If we act and make a move, we will accomplish something.
Similarly, during our college days, sometimes we seek some help from our classmates or other people in order to finish a task. Seeking solutions together makes the challenge to be easily completed. In the same manner, some of us here might have experienced college life differently especially if they are experiencing financial difficulty. For example, they worked part-time in fast food chains, engaged in small businesses, or worked as working scholars. Despite all odds, they have made the right choices and have done sacrifices to continue pursuing their dreams in life. And I praise them for doing that. And now, we are here in this ceremony, celebrating the culmination of what we have accomplished. Today’s event propels us in moving forward. It serves as the fuel that keeps us running in facing our challenges and problems.
Special thanks to my parents who unselfishly offer their sacrifices just to send me to school. Thank you ma, pa.