Saturday, March 23, 2019

Valedictory Speech (Mr. Lester Rasonable)

Distinguished Guests, CHED Director, Dr. Freddie Bernal, CTS
President, Ms. Candice Gotianuy, CTS Vice President, Atty. Nendell Hanz Abella, Exec. Asst. to the Vice President, Ms. Ana Lou Navaja, TechVoc Director, Dr. Eugene Ynclino IV, faculty, fellow graduates, parents, friends, ladies, and gentlemen, good morning.

“ Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere”? My life was once compared to this famous song. Everything seemed to be uncertain and full of questions.
I didn’t have a normal childhood. I learned to walk at two years old due to my clubfoot, and it saddened my family so much. But, with God’s love, he allowed me to walk normally.
In my elementary years, I was never serious in my studies just like any other ordinary kid. I had uncountable truancies not to mention other offenses in school. In short, I never had a dream. So, it was like traveling on pavements that lead to nowhere.
However, after my high school graduation, I started to form that dream and I felt the need to do something to make that dream a reality. Thus, I started to step foot on the first step of my journey.
From my hometown in Leyte, I traveled alone, trying my luck here in Cebu City, a place that is a total stranger and unknown to a 16-year-old kid.  I was almost empty-handed back then, with only a 500 peso allowance in my pocket. Yet, it didn’t stop me to reach my goal because I knew that I was not literally ALONE… I had my family on this journey.  
My father was an alumnus of CTS-C and he wanted me to get my degree from the same school. Without hesitation, I made a decision. And this DECISION makes a lot of difference in my life now.  

Fellow graduates, we may be living a life full of uncertainties but what matters most is to set goals to make things certain. But, if we will not put a deadline to our goals, it will just remain a dream, beyond our reach.
However, being here now on our graduation day shows that we set goals and we successfully met its deadline. So, I extend my sincerest congratulations to all of us. Only, we need to be steadfast and to continue what we have started because the real challenge in life is yet to come.   
Graduation brings mixed emotions. It is a time to put an end to our hard life in school: no more promissory notes, no more stretching of allowances just to sustain for the next days, no more project deadlines, no more research, no more group works, no more SAFETY FIRST signage, no more terror professors. Yet, all of those shapes us to become better individuals, well prepared to face challenges in the real world.
Graduation is also a time of tremendous joy and overwhelming happiness: parents cry seeing their children marching on stage with pride receiving their diplomas, teachers take pride watching their students develop holistically, classmates smile feeling fulfilled for the uncountable memories they shared together with their classmates. All of these are great highlights in our lives that help us become what we have become today.

Life can also be compared to sailing. I remember the saying “We cannot direct the winds, but we can adjust the sails.” Adjusting our sails means making choices. Often, these choices are not easy, but ultimately, it’s easier than trying to change the direction of the wind. In life, we make choices every day. Sometimes, we make them consciously with a good thought, but more often than not, we make them without solid thought.
Fellow graduates, this proves that what we will become in the future, will depend on what we are doing with our lives today. We may depend on others, but at the end of the day, the one who would “adjust the sails” would still be US.
I would also like to thank the people behind my success. I am forever grateful for the contributions you made in my life.
Special thanks to my mentors, teachers, and fathers, Engr. Ferdinand Batayola and Mr. Peter John Rosario. Thank you for the knowledge and guidance.
To my CTS family, thank you for providing me quality education to make me globally competitive. Without a doubt, I can say that Father knows best.
To my classmates and friends, thank you for the memories. I am forever indebted to you especially that you provided me when I had nothing. Thank you for correcting me at times as well. It made me realize that I am not perfect.
To my relatives, thank you for the support and inspiring words which motivated me to strive more.

To my family, my parents, and my siblings, thank you. You are the reason why I am here today in front of you. Your continued support, undying love, and generosity pushed me to continue my journey even if I was about to give up.
To all those who are not mentioned here, my heartfelt appreciation. Everything that you did will never be forgotten.

Above all, I would like to thank God for His generosity and Love.

 Fellow graduates, at this point, we may have already found the right path; yet, we should not just sit, we have to walk then build.
Thank you very much and may our ever-gracious God bless us even more.